Uskliknimo s ljubavlju
svetitelju Savi,
srpske crkve i škole -
svetiteljskoj glavi.
Tamo venci tamo slava,
Gde naš srpski pastir Sava:
Pojte mu Srbi
Pesmu i utrojte!
Pojte mu Srbi
Pesmu i utrojte!
Blagodarna Srbijo
Puna si ljubavi
Prema svome pastiru
Svetitelju Savi.
Celo Srpstvo slavi slavu
Svetog oca Svetog Savu:
Pojte mu, Srbi,
Pesmu i utrojte!
Pojte mu Srbi
Pesmu i utrojte!
Da se srpska sva srca
S tobom ujedine,
Sunce mira, ljubavi
Da nam svima sine;
Da živimo svi u slozi,
Sveti Savo ti pomozi:
Počuj glas svog roda,
Srpskoga naroda!
Počuj glas svog roda,
Srpskoga naroda!
Kolo is a collective folk dance named after a circle formed by the dancers. The dancers hold each other’s hands. It is performed most often with an accordion, but also with other instruments, for example frula. There are different kinds of kolo. The most popular is Užičko kolo. Many variations of Kolo are normally performed at weddings, social, cultural and religious ceremonies. Kolo may be performed in a closed circle, a single chain or in two parallel lines. Both men and women dance together, however some dances require only men to dance and some dances are only for women. The music is generally fast paced and contains tricky steps.
Kolo je kolektivna muzička igra koja je dobila ime po krugu koji formiraju igrači. Igrači se drže za ruke. Izvodi se najčešće uz pratnju harmonike ili nekog drugog instrumenta kao što je frula. Postoje različite vrste kola, a jedno od najpopularnijih je Užičko kolo. Kolo se igra na svadbama, društvenim, kulturnim I verskim događanjima. Kolo se može igrati u zatvorenom krugu, u jednom ili dva paralelna reda. Muškarci I žene igraju zajedno, međutim neke igre igraju samo muškarci ili samo žene. Muzika je uglavnom brza, a koraci mogu biti komplikovani.
The poem of a little horseman, traveling on his horse. Usually parents or grandparents will place a child on their knee/foot to replicate horse riding motion
Điha, điha, četir’noge Sve četiri krute! Điha, điha, mi idemo na daleke pute!
This song is for little children to get them eat their meal. Tasi,tasi , tanana /A silky, little scarf/ and the sugar in the scarf/ and the baby eats the dinner...
Taši, taši , tanana, I svilena marama, U marami šećera, Da nam dete večera Taši, taši...
Eci, peci, pec, Eci, peci, pec, You are little bunny, I am a little quail, Eci , peci, pec.
Eci, peci, pec Eci, peci, pec, Ti si mali zec, a ja mala prepelica, Eci , peci, pec
A cat and a mouse game. Children sit forming a circle. One of them walks around the circle holding ‘a tail’- the cat, and after singing the song, throws the tail on the one of the children sitting in the circle – the mouse. Then the cat and the mouse chase each other for 1 full circle.
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